We were “created in Christ for the good works which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them,” Ephesians 2:10. I don’t know about you, but that verse has haunted me for years. What good works? What, exactly, should I be doing? How do I know it’s the right thing? What if I do the wrong thing? It can be absolutely paralyzing to spend your days worried that you are failing God by not doing the good works He has prepared for you. [Read more…]
5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Mood
So, you just got hit by a troll on social media. You had a fight with your spouse. Your kids have been uncooperative all day and your lesson plans are in a shambles. You feel like a total loser who simply can’t handle life. You know you’re in a pit.
You have a choice – stay there or get out. [Read more…]
Help for Angry Mommas
“Take up my yoke upon you and learn of me. I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your soul.” Matthew 11:29
Yeah, no. There is no way I wanted to be gentle and humble after that phone call. [Read more…]
The Cure for Homeschool Overwhelm
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Do you ever have those days when you are so overwhelmed with things to do and it all needs to get done NOW and the kids are fighting, and you’ve got to get dinner started, and your friend called to invite you to her latest home party, and your husband wants you to run out and pick up some materials for a project he’s going to work on this weekend, and oh, while you are out you might as well grab some groceries and get the literature book you put on hold at the library…. [Read more…]
You Are Enough Just as You Are
You are enough, just as you are. The God of love is delighted in you. Because the Lord is love, He is the embodiment of love, He can only love you one way: unconditionally. No changes are needed on your part. Because God is love, He is incapable of loving you less than 100%. Love is who He is. So long as you are His child and have received Christ into your heart, you have received all of Him. 100%. And Christ is Love. All love comes from Him. Because it is who He is, He can’t hold any of it back. [Read more…]
See How Easily You Can Turn Discontent into Joy
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. John 15:11
Is your joy full? Or is it lost? Do you constantly feel like your life is missing something? [Read more…]
Overcome Anxiety and Enjoy Life Again
Acute, or recent onset anxiety attacks are not a life sentence. You can and will get back to normal life if you are willing to take the time to deal with the underlying issue. [Read more…]
10 Myths that will crush your homeschool
Myth #1 Kids need to be socialized. Do I really need to address this one? While it has been shown over and over again that homeschooled children are better socialized, better behaved, and better able to relate to wide variety of age groups, the question of socialization is still the number one objection homeschoolers get from critics. [Read more…]
I want to homeschool but where do I begin?
First of all, relax. You can do this. There is plenty of help available today that wasn’t around even 10 years ago. This of course is part of the problem. There is SO much information it is hard to know where to start and who to believe. [Read more…]
21 Hard-won bits of Homeschool Mom Wisdom
- 1.The number one, best thing you can do for your children is to improve your marriage.
- 2 Too much of anything is bad for you, except of course if it is chocolate.
- 3. The world does not owe you a living.
- 4. Life is not fair
- 5. When your in-laws complain you are ruining the grandchild’s future, remember: “Other people’s opinions of you do not have to be your reality.” Les Brown
- 6. Raising ducks is a great learning experience, but they need an awful lot of fresh water.
Steve Wall via Compfight
- 7. Trust God, He has your best interests at heart
- 8. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Laugh more.
- 9. Hot cocoa can heal wounds, solve problems, make friends, and cheer up grumpy mommies.
- 10. Clean up after yourself.
- 11. Make a small difference everyday. In time you will change your world
- 12. There is good in every situation, if you look for it. Sometimes the good is you, becoming stronger.
- 13. The faith and innocence of a child is a precious treasure to be guarded at all costs.
- 14. Let them be kids as long as possible.
- 15. Children are a gift from God, but they are not ours to keep.
- 16. Quality time is a myth created to ease the guilt of work-a-holic parents. Children need quantities of time. Lots of it.
- 17. Encourage their dreams, even the silly ones.
- 18. Reward imagination, character and faithfulness.
- 19. Talk about God. A lot.
- 20. Turn off the T.V. Play games, read aloud, do chores together.
- 21. It takes 10 words of praise to overcome 1 word of criticism. Choose your words with care.
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11