Fasten your seat belt, tough love ahead: I’m sharing the truth because I care about your kids and their future. I know this is going to be hard to hear, but just because your 3 year old is teaching herself to read, or knows how to add already, she’s not a genius. I know compared to your sister-in-law’s kids, you child seems unusually intelligent, but if I had a dime for every parent who asked “which curriculum should I use for my advanced 3 year old…” [Read more…]
Master These 3 Things and your Homeschool will Rock
Christian homeschooling is about more than a good education. In order to truly be successful, we need to work on something deeper than math facts and writing skills. [Read more…]
Hyper-active or Hyper-gifted?
Sanguines bring color and energy into the world. Without sanguines, the rest of us would be a bit more drab, a bit less fun. Sanguine means blood, or a blood red color. Our blood carries the oxygen that fuels our bodies. Just like our blood, sanguine people bring energy wherever they go. Sometimes a LOT of energy. The child who is most apt to be mis-labeled as ADHD is, more likely, a full Sanguine in action. [Read more…]
The Take Charge Personality
Kids who try to run the household almost from birth have a unique gift of leadership. [Read more…]
Phlegmatic Personality
This personality is perfectly represented by Pooh Bear. Pooh is the heart of the Hundred Acre Woods, and for good reason. He loves everyone and they love him. He accepts others for who they are, rarely complains and just radiates good humor and gentle kindness. No matter what is going on: games or work, disaster or party, Pooh is ready to join in and help out. Pooh children have sensitive hearts. They instinctively know when someone else is hurting. These are the children who notice a homeless person sitting on the sidewalk and will offer to let them sleep in their bedroom.
[Read more…]
Melancholy Personality type
Eeyore, also known as the melancholy personality type is our organizer. He is the careful thinker, the one who takes his time and looks at all the angles before making a decision. I don’t particular care for the term “melancholy” to describe this personality because of its negative associations, so we’ll just use Eeyore from here on out. [Read more…]
Personality Types
There are many different tests online to help you pinpoint your personality type, also known as temperament. Some have as many as sixteen different types. This kind of depth and complexity can be useful for understanding a lot about ourselves. It also infers there are only 16 types of people. It is also somewhat limiting as it doesn’t allow for change or growth within our basic personality. [Read more…]
How to raise a boy who is one in a million
Of the 21 million boys ages 10 to 19 in the United States, only ¼ of 1% (about 54,000) become Eagle Scouts in any given year. Alright, so maybe that doesn’t equal one in a million, but Eagle Scouts truly stand out from their peers.
Why is that a big deal? [Read more…]
The Secret to Emotionally Healthy Kids
As Christians we are called to “…provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” Ephesians 6:4. We are commanded to raise our child with love, understanding, and discipline. It can be a real balancing act. We should not “provoke them to wrath” with unrealistic or harsh expectations and punishments, yet we need to instill discipline, respect and obedience.
How do we find that balance? [Read more…]
My Child is Embarrassed because He is Falling Behind
My son is really behind in his reading and math. He gets picked on at the playground by kids who are in school because they are doing harder work than he is. He really wants to be doing the same work but he’s not ready for it. He doesn’t like to do his schoolwork because he says it is baby stuff. He’s a great kid in other area. He’s helpful and kind to his brother and sister, he is creative, imaginative, cooperative, and he loves to help his dad build things. Because he feels like he is not very smart, his has bad self-esteem. Should I send him to school? [Read more…]