Givers are just that, people who love to give whatever they have to spare. It may be money, it may be a listening ear, it may be time or ability. The blessings of giving are many and we would do well to follow the Givers example – he who gives, do so liberally, you will reap what you sow, give and it will be given unto you…are just a few biblical injunctions about giving.
Givers can be the best of all worlds
They are in many ways, the best of all of us – every spiritual gift entails giving something of ourselves to others. Words of encouragement, teaching others to live for God, giving our time as servants, sharing His truth, are forms of giving that flow from some of the other gifts. In a way, the Giver is a composite of all the other gifts. For this reason, they can also be the hardest to identify. They may give in ways that mimic any of the other gifts. Perhaps one of the best ways to identify as giver is from what they don’t have.
They can share God’s word like a perceiver or teacher, but they don’t have the independent or solitude streak of those gifts. Givers like to be around people and are more relaxed and low key then the speaking gifts of perceiver, teacher and exhorter.
Givers are also servers because they like to help people, but they are not as shy or unmotivated as a server. One key indicator of a strong giver gift is their attraction toward and desire to make money. It comes very naturally to them and they tend to be entrepreneurs even from a young age.
My little friend Troy is a giver. He shares whatever he has and takes great delight in doing so. He is also a CEO in the making. He makes and sells his own hand drawn comic books to his friends, he will do chores for the neighbors, he excels at the annual scout popcorn sales, and he’s always proposing new ideas for a business venture. A budding giver has a natural attraction to money. At it’s un-guided, worst it can become stingyness or even a propensity toward theft. When caught red-handed however, you may find the little Fagin was stealing from the cookie jar with every intent of sharing the loot with a hungry friend.
Descriptive words:
Very imaginative
Heart for the under-dog or needy
Likes creative games
Likes to earn money
Sincere and dedicated
Friendly – has a few close friends rather than large crowds
Find the rest of the series here:
Discover Your Spiritual Gift
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